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Happy New Year from Destira!

During this holiday season, and the start of the New Year, we wish you and your family the very best. We appreciate our relationship and look forward to more great things in 2016. Destira has seen some remarkable changes in 2015! Here are just a few highlights:

1. Welcomed seven new team members: Consignment Director:  Shannon Beck Custom Account Manager: Sarah Hall Web Fulfillment Manager: Pamela Borja Web Fulfillment Manager: Karen Lara Production Artist: Katie Warren onsignment Analyst: Becky De la O Consignment Analyst: Kyle Siaotong

2. The Roatan Expedition: we made a donation of over 1,100 leotards and shorts to the Roatan Expedition, outfitting children and adults with clothes, in Honduras, the 3rd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

3. On boarded over 100+ new gyms as happy customers!

4. Enjoyed the arrival of two new babies! Jen’s daughter, Hadley and Karen’s daughter, Melanie.

5. Attended multiple fun group events with our team and Celebrated our 19th year of awesome!

We couldn’t have made these amazing strides without the continued support of our friends, families, partners, and rock star clients. So, THANK YOU! We love what we do and we’re both humbled and thrilled by the opportunities to continue working for inspiring people like you in the new year.

Here’s to an incredible 2016 for all of us!
